Friday, November 2, 2007

Hectic Life

Giving a thought to what hectic is, i feel that its me that makes it hectic. My present choices decides what my life will be tomorrow. I slack one day and the next day or the day after is one hell of a day. This is what happened to me and also struck me when i wasn't ready for it. I forgot about one of the assignments and the day it was due and also was slacking about reading a paper and that led to 2 consecutive nightouts to get back to track. I would say i dug my own grave, which led me to sleep for 2-4 hrs in 3 days. But its the kind of thing that happens to everyone and the person who survives comes out stronger. But it also lays a lot of stress on planning.

In my life i have always put effort in terms of planning but my execution has always been shaky. In my terms "Jab tak danda nahi padhta tab tak kaam karne ka josh hi nahi aata hain". Its really wrong, but atleast i would say that i judge the situation in hand quite well and that leads to me getting through each hurdle as required. But this Wednesday was different. I didn't put the initial work in judging the situation which led to a nightout and i would say a really hell lot of exertion. But as usual my will to survive was stronger than that to go down without a fight.:D

But seeing the road ahead, I feel that this cant go on as it is now, so now enough of talking and back to planning my next week and the work in hand. I know its early as its Friday, but Sunday is a day when kind of i get most of the push to work as always Saturday is lost in something or another and this weekend its the India Nite. So till my next post chao and enjoy ur weekend.