Thursday, February 21, 2008

My experience of Installing Ubuntu with Vista

Vista according to me is one of the most crappiest piece of OS ever made. I think so that it is plot of OS company with some other hardware manufacturers. This is the logic behind it - In order to sell new and more powerful processors and peripherals, you need to have something which needs to use it. If the new OS cant work with the current best then you need to buy even more powerful (power hungry i would say) hardware components, which is what Vista does. Firstly you force everyone to purchase a laptop or desktop preinstalled with Vista, by that you get the base for selling all the new hardware components. I would say that very few of us actually uses the computing power which we have in hand fruitfully. I don't use it fully but do you?? Its a question which I asked myself before buying my laptop. Luckily I got a great deal for a mean machine. [:D] Ok so getting back to the topic.

I am kind of getting glued to Linux. More I use linux, kind of i would say that i am kind of forgetting Windows [:)]. Today I tried to install Ubuntu on my laptop which came with Vista and I would say that it was a breeze. I found a tutorial online which was really easy to understand and also I would give my complements to the Ubuntu team which made it so easy to install. I remember that I had to do a lot of settings change on my previous laptop and it was a pain. I also spent a lot of time installing Ubuntu on my dads laptop during my Christmas break which had really shocked me as the ATI drivers couldn't be found by the Live CD. But this installation was a piece of cake. i was done in about 20-25 mins and everything was set perfect.

The following are the pages which I referred and would also like to state it so that it will be helpful to whoever reads this blog.

Great reference for installing Ubuntu with Vista

Reference for all the Permutations of installing Ubuntu

Ubuntu, XP and Vista - 3 OS on 1 HDD

I hope this blog is helpful, please feel free to post in your comments.

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